Kathleen Nolan, Kerry Stella, Liza Reyes - Teachers
Here at PS/IS 266 we worked together as a team to make sure every young girl in the school had the experience of the Beautiful Me program. Our administration supported us wholeheartedly, and allowed us to schedule groups during the school day to ensure everyone had access to the program. Mrs. Chariah, our PTA president introduced the program to us. Through conversations with her, we were inspired to partake in the training, and lead the way to bringing the program to our school. We all enjoyed our time working with the girls. It was such a joy to watch some of the girls start out as shy and a little insecure, end up being just a little bit bolder. It was amazing the transformations after just three days. We would all like to continue with the program, and take it to another level. This work can’t be left to one experience alone. Some of our team members are looking for ways to work with the Beautiful Me program outside the walls of PS/IS 266, and bring the experience to other communities.